Carlitos, the last boat built in Arenys

The scooner Carlitos was the last ship built at the shipyards of Arenys de Mar at the beginning of the 20th century and stranded on the beach of the town. It was quite an event in the late fall of 1918. The last shipyard in operation at that time was the one belonging to Dotras, who was the person who led and make the latter ship, mainly of two masts.

The distinguishing features of the ships in Arenys de Mar were:

1.- Their solidity, since they were made of good wood. They lasted about 50 years, which is a strong evidence of this. Now, even though the weight, they had slender lines, with good finishes and rich ornaments.

2.- At the bow: the piece that forms the spur and the part that allows to fix the downhaul, among others. At the stern: the characteristic fan, semicircular, elongated and slightly draped at the ends.

3.- The low tonnage -about 164 tonnes-, although they had come to build ships of all kinks.

According to the accounting books of the frigate Antonieta found in the Municipal Archives Fidel Fita in Arenys de Mar, the cost of this boat was rising to 34.073 pesos that corresponded, among other expenses, to the hull, the carpentry, the tree and sails, the anchor and chains... According to the accounting books of the frigate Antonieta found in the Municipal Archives Fidel Fita of Arenys de Mar, the cost of this boat was rising to 34.073 pesos.

Source: 'Arenys de Mar, una llarga relació amb la mar'. Josep M Pons i Guri, Tiona Solé i Mariona Font, 2003.